What causes growing pains in children and should you be concerned with them?

Lots of things get branded as “growing pains” but just because there is pain in a developing child does not mean it's a real growing pain. It is possible to dismiss pain in a growing child as growing pains. A true growing pain only happens at night and not in the daytime. The discomfort is also in the upper calf muscle and behind the knee. If the discomfort happens during the day and in another place than the rear of the leg and knee, then it is not a true growing pain and it is probably as a result of something else that ought to be investigated. Typically, it only occurs in younger kids and awakens the child at night. There is no history of trauma or any sort of damage to the location that the pain occurs in.

Growing pains tend to be somewhat harmless and self-limiting, in that they do come right after eventually. Nevertheless, they could be upsetting to the child and parents at the time and, even more important, there are several very serious and rare conditions which may have symptoms similar to growing pains, therefore each case ought to be taken seriously and looked into to rule out these other possible causes. The implications of missing these rare causes of similar symptoms is significant.

The standard management of growing pains is simply reassurance of the child. They should be comforted and helped to return to sleep. Soothing massage or rubbing of the leg will in most cases help. In some cases medication may be used to help the pain and relieve the getting back to sleep. Stretching out just before going to bed and when the pain happens can also be useful. Of most importance is education in regards to the nature of growing pains and that it will pass and an assessment of those possible uncommon and serious causes of the discomfort.