The Truth About Christian Bible Study Groups

One of the worst things you can do, when learning about the Bible, is surrounding yourself with people who agree with everything else said in the group. Most of the followers of religions do not want to disappoint Apple trains and are afraid to speak fearfully ridiculed. You Can get a free bible genealogy timeline of Jesus Christ that provides a reliable understanding and the history of the universe.

Resistance and friction make heat and heat provide warmth. This is a simple scientific fact and you need to remember, especially if you are really interested in studying the Bible. If everyone thinks the same and never disagrees or questions others in the group, you can have a problem.

Don't forget that your main focus is to study the Bible and study the Bible can create a lot of friction, especially when difficult questions are submitted. If no one else will ask these questions, you have to step into the plate and ask them yourself.

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If no one wants to ask difficult questions, leave everyone some pieces of paper and ask them to write their questions on it and place these questions into the box and select one by one until they are all answered with group satisfaction.

These are some difficult questions that you need to ask in your Bible study group. Is Jesus actually God? Does every animal on earth come from Noah's ark? Is there really a heaven? And what about everyone else in history that never gets the opportunity to read the Bible or know about Christianity?

The truth about the Bible study group is that they do not answer difficult questions, it's more like a social meeting most of the time. There is a lot of wisdom in the Bible, but it won't be a bad idea to find some of your answers beyond it.